7014 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
7503 caikit-huggingface-demo

This repo contains an example app showing:

Simple script to start a Caikit backend server Simple one-line config files to add Hugging Face...

https://github.com/caikit/caikit-huggingface-demo Apache-2.0 Jim Knochelmann 73% 项目7503的徽章级别为73%
7504 SmartSim

SmartSim is a workflow library that makes it easier to use common Machine Learning (ML) libraries, like PyTorch and TensorFlow, in High Performance Computing...

https://www.craylabs.org/docs/overview BSD-2-Clause Ria Schalnat 51% 项目7504的徽章级别为51%
7510 vector-vein

No-code AI workflow

https://vectorvein.com OTHER Anderson 13% 项目7510的徽章级别为13%
7511 Message Header Analyzer

Message Header Analyzer Add-in For Outlook

https://github.com/microsoft/MHA MIT Stephen Griffin 49% 项目7511的徽章级别为49%
7512 easy-pil

A library to make common tasks of Pillow easy.

https://easy-pil.readthedocs.io MIT Md Shahriyar Alam 16% 项目7512的徽章级别为16%
7513 microcks

Kubernetes native tool for mocking and testing API and micro-services

https://microcks.io Apache-2.0 Laurent Broudoux 91% 项目7513的徽章级别为91%
7514 Chapel Parallel Programming Language

Chapel is a programming language designed for productive parallel computing at scale.

https://chapel-lang.org Apache-2.0 Ria Schalnat 82% 项目7514的徽章级别为82%
7515 OZI

Python project packaging with Meson.

https://oziproject.dev Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception Ross J. Duff, MSc 2023-07-11 21:56:49 195% 项目7515的徽章级别为195%
7516 django-signalcontrol https://github.com/djangoaddicts/django-signalcontrol GPL-3.0 David 99% 项目7516的徽章级别为99%
7517 django-signalcontrol https://github.com/djangoaddicts/django-signalcontrol David 3% 项目7517的徽章级别为3%
7518 blastpipe

🚂🇴🇿🇮 A slice demonstration for using Meson+OZI as Python 3 packaging management layer.

https://github.com/rjdbcm/blastpipe Apache-2.0 Ross J. Duff, MSc 16% 项目7518的徽章级别为16%
7519 go-cvss

Blazing-fast, low allocations and small memory-usage Go module made to manipulate Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)

https://github.com/pandatix/go-cvss MIT Lucas TESSON 2023-08-30 19:11:04 140% 项目7519的徽章级别为140%
7520 prometheus-provider

Integrate OPA Gatekeeper's ExternalData feature with OpenShift Prometheus to determine if a deployment meets the ratio between resource requests and actual...

https://github.com/danzim/prometheus-provider Apache-2.0 danzim 18% 项目7520的徽章级别为18%
7521 simple-tags-and-releases

A simple tag and release process for your repositories

https://github.com/sbe-arg/simple-tags-and-releases MIT Santiago Bernhardt 2023-06-30 00:48:51 107% 项目7521的徽章级别为107%
7522 notation

A CLI tool to sign and verify OCI artifacts and container images

https://notaryproject.dev Apache-2.0 Junjie Gao 18% 项目7522的徽章级别为18%
7523 notation https://github.com/notaryproject/notation Junjie Gao 3% 项目7523的徽章级别为3%
7524 markwrite

Markdown writing CLI tool

https://github.com/rodneylab/markwrite BSD-3-Clause Rodney Johnson 15% 项目7524的徽章级别为15%
7525 john-packages

Community packages of John the Ripper, the auditing tool and advanced offline password cracker (Docker images, Windows PortableApp, Mac OS, Flatpak, and...

https://www.openwall.com/john GPL-2.0 Claudio André 2023-07-01 14:37:27 115% 项目7525的徽章级别为115%
7526 laravel-url-signer-cloudfront

Wrapper around the official AWS PHP SDK to generate CloudFront signed URLs

https://github.com/haridarshan/laravel-url-signer-cloudfront MIT Hari Darshan Gorana 15% 项目7526的徽章级别为15%
7527 carbondesignsystem https://carbondesignsystem.com Linda Carotenuto 3% 项目7527的徽章级别为3%
7528 sustc-archive https://github.com/hezean/sustc-archive CC-BY-SA-4.0 hezean 13% 项目7528的徽章级别为13%
7529 sync-pre-commit-lock

Automatically sync your pre-commit hooks version from your PDM or Poetry lockfile, and install them automatically.

https://github.com/GabDug/sync-pre-commit-lock GPL-3.0 Gabriel Dugny 2023-07-26 23:15:19 156% 项目7529的徽章级别为156%
7530 omero-slurm-client

A python library for easy connecting between Omero (jobs) and a Slurm cluster

https://nl-bioimaging.github.io/omero-slurm-client Apache-2.0 Torec Luik 57% 项目7530的徽章级别为57%
7531 Self-Supervised-Learning

Tensorflow and PyTorch Implementations of various Self Supervised Learning methods

https://wandb.ai/self-supervised-learning MIT Saurav Maheshkar 18% 项目7531的徽章级别为18%
7532 Tegral

A set of Kotlin libraries and frameworks that can be used standalone or combined into a cohesive web back-end experience.

https://tegral.zoroark.guru Apache-2.0 Zoroark 85% 项目7532的徽章级别为85%
7533 aegis

Aegis: Keep Your Secrets… Secret

https://aegis.ist MIT Volkan Özçelik 24% 项目7533的徽章级别为24%
7534 pure

Pretty, minimal, and fast prompt for Fish shell inspired by sindresorhus/pure

https://github.com/pure-fish/pure MIT Édouard Lopez 18% 项目7534的徽章级别为18%
7535 powertools-lambda-python

A developer toolkit to implement Serverless best practices and increase developer velocity.

https://docs.powertools.aws.dev/lambda/python/latest MIT-0 Heitor Lessa 2023-07-04 17:20:16 113% 项目7535的徽章级别为113%
7536 vttctl

FoundryVTT controller for Linux

https://github.com/llozanos81/vttctl llozanos81 10% 项目7536的徽章级别为10%
7537 microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet Bogdan Gavril 3% 项目7537的徽章级别为3%

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